在Joomla4版本到来之时,我们要和大家强调一下升级到PHP7的必要性。Joomla 4 将基于PHP 7运行, 实际上大多数主机服务商都已经提供了PHP7版本的环境在产品中,你可以很容易的切换到PHP7版本。如果不确定是否可以升级到PHP7,请联系你的服务器提供商
PHP 7 是迄今最好的版本
这不是废话,从技术参数上进行评测PHP 7运算用时是PHP5的2倍,并且内存占用是PHP5的50%,PHP7具备更高的安全运算逻辑。适合于网站长期平稳运行。
Joomla 4 非常棒
JJoomla 4将对用户和开发者都有巨大的改善。一个干净的代码,一个更新的框架,很多亮眼的新功能。Bootstrap 4将在核心中集成,将有2个新模板(前端和后端),尤其是新的媒体管理器将被许多人喜爱。
Joomla 4仍在开发中,预计到2018年下半年才能正式发布,令人期待的功能列表及扩展会在发布前陆续宣布。
与Joomla 4一起的更新的框架(2.0版本)有一些重大的改进。数据库API将自然地支持准备好的语句,这是一个重要的安全增强。现在可以使用更模块化的Keychain组件存储加密数据。由于新的控制台组件,命令行工具可以构建得更好、更安全。
要获得完整的功能列表,请访问 路线图.
It’s more secure and supported
Versions older than PHP 5.6 are no longer supported for security fixes. If some big vulnerability is found in PHP 5.3, nobody is going to fix it and your site will be vulnerable. By using the latest version, you will always know that those possible problems will be taken care of, and updates will be available to you very quickly when there is one.
As PHP 7 is the latest major version, it will be supported for a long time (including the minor releases) so your Joomla 4 website will easily run up to 2025.
But, but … What if I can’t upgrade?
An important thing to remember is that Joomla 3.9 will be supported for two years after its release. This means you can run your Joomla 3 site comfortably until 2020, but you’ll miss out on all the great features and benefits of Joomla 4. But let’s be honest, if your host is not supporting PHP 7 by now, it might be good to search another hosting company.
We are firmly committed to making the next generation of Joomla the best generation and feel that embracing PHP 7 going forward will help to deliver the highest quality product for our users.
M. Babker